Seattle-based startup ‘Ixana’ participates
in seed fundingLow-power AR technology
that lasts 24 hours on a single chargeSamsung Electronics forms
XR TF with affiliates and partners”The market is expected to bloom with the release of Apple XR devices next year”
Startup Funding: November 2022
127 startups raise $2.6B; data center connectivity, quantum computing, and batteries draw big funding.
AR chip startup raises funds for all-day wearable AR
Wearable human-computer interface company Ixana has announced that it has closed $3 million in seed funding to further develop its breakthrough wearable silicon chip. The proprietary chip, says the company, gives them a unique edge to develop wire-free, augmented reality (AR) with all-day battery life for real-time AI on what you see
Ixana анонсировала очки дополненной реальности на собственном нейрочипе и собрала на это $3 млн
Американский стартап Ixana собирается представить очки дополненной реальности на основе нейропроцессора собственной разработки, который позволит гаджету работать весь день даже с постоянно активной камерой. На этот проект компания только что привлекла $3 миллиона от Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift и Hack VC. Презентацию обещают на январской выставке Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
Silicon Valley AR chip startup team Ixana closed a $3 million seed round of financing
Ixana, a chip startup focused on developing high-speed human-machine interfaces for AR wearable hardware, has announced that it has completed the completion of a consortium from Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift, and Hack $3 million seed round of funding provided by VC and others. At the same time, the team said that it will showcase an AR reference headset based on self-developed chips at the CES conference in January 2023.
Ixana has announced a $3 million seed round to launch an all-weather wearable AR device
Ixana, a wearable hardware company that develops high-speed human-machine interfaces, announced this week that it has closed a $3 million seed funding round backed by Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift and Hack VC.
Ixana raises $3M in seed funding as it aims to make all-day wearable AR possible
Ixana raises $3M with wearable silicon chip
Ixana, a wearable hardware company developing high-speed human-computer interfaces, has raised USD 3 million in funding backed by Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift and Hack VC
Ixana Raises $3M in Seed Funding
Ixana, a Seattle, WA-based wearable hardware company, raised $3M in Seed funding.
The round was led by Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift and Hack VC.
The company intends to use the funds to accelerate growth and expand operations.