Samsung Electronics has a 24-hour AR headset to wear… Invest in U.S. startups

Seattle-based startup ‘Ixana’ participates
in seed fundingLow-power AR technology
that lasts 24 hours on a single chargeSamsung Electronics forms
XR TF with affiliates and partners”The market is expected to bloom with the release of Apple XR devices next year”

AR chip startup raises funds for all-day wearable AR

Wearable human-computer interface company Ixana has announced that it has closed $3 million in seed funding to further develop its breakthrough wearable silicon chip. The proprietary chip, says the company, gives them a unique edge to develop wire-free, augmented reality (AR) with all-day battery life for real-time AI on what you see

Ixana анонсировала очки дополненной реальности на собственном нейрочипе и собрала на это $3 млн

Американский стартап Ixana собирается представить очки дополненной реальности на основе нейропроцессора собственной разработки, который позволит гаджету работать весь день даже с постоянно активной камерой. На этот проект компания только что привлекла $3 миллиона от Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift и Hack VC. Презентацию обещают на январской выставке Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Silicon Valley AR chip startup team Ixana closed a $3 million seed round of financing

 Ixana, a chip startup focused on developing high-speed human-machine interfaces for AR wearable hardware, has announced that it has completed the completion of a consortium from Uncorrelated Ventures, Samsung Next, Evonexus, Paradigm Shift, and Hack $3 million seed round of funding provided by VC and others. At the same time, the team said that it will showcase an AR reference headset based on self-developed chips at the CES conference in January 2023.